Sunday, November 4, 2007

Me what can I say

Ok I am Scott I am 31 at the time writting this. I have a very beutiful family, My wife that I have been married to for 9 years now, wow time flys, We have 2 great Kids, a 4 year old and a 2year old, they are my life. I also have a love for Art granted with kids it seems like having time for art is slim to none. I also have many great friends that have been around through thick and thin. It amazing how we all have changed from the ones going out having fun with no kids, now we sit around and disscuss political stuff and kid stuff crazy how life goes. But you have to love life. I am also a Person who loves God and I try to praise Him as much as possible. It is so easy to miss how great he is. But its important to just know that God is the one in control and I am the one in the passanger seat. I am not affraid to let one know about God o just a heads up there. Granted I am not the typical Christian that feels they are holier than others. I have places in my life I should change but im just a ball of clay that Gods molding.

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